Shop Indie
Want to buy indie and self-published books but don’t know where to start? Many self-published books are available on Amazon or other online retailers such as Kobo, Apple, or Google Books, but if you’d rather avoid them or prefer physical books to ebooks, then take a look at some of these online bookstores!
These stores stock or otherwise support self-published and indie authors. You may also find limited edition and signed copies of your favourite indie authors.
Have an indie book store or want to recommend one? Contact us!
Black Dragon Books
Black Dragon Books is a UK based online store that sells both indie, self-published, and traditionally published books across the speculative range, including fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and graphic novels. They’re big supporters of indie and self-published authors and use their website to interview authors as well as promote them and book bloggers within the community. Unfortunately they do not ship outside of the UK at this time.
Visit the Black Dragon Books website for indie books and more!
Silverstones Books
Silverstones Books is a US based online store that features a variety of books for the fantasy or sci-fi lover as well as the young reader in your life. They also stock a selection of incredible reads by indie authors.
Visit the Silverstones Books website for indie books and more!
The Broken Binding
The Broken Binding is a UK based independent bookshop with an ever-growing collection of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror as well as several sub-genres. They boast a large collection of signed books as well as many special editions! The Broken Binding has a fantastic indie published section, and many of their indie-stocked books come either signed or with bookplates.
They’re big supporters of indie and self-published authors and are keen to host limited editions of indie books. But you have to be quick, as these sell out fast!
Visit The Broken Binding website for signed and limited edition indie books and more!