Author Interview: Isa Medina

Author Interview: Isa Medina

Welcome back to Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week where we’re interviewing a series of self-published authors! Next is the magical Isa Medina, author of fun urban fantasy and her Magical Artifacts Institute series that we’ve previously reviewed on Uncharted Library. I’m a big fan of Isa Medina’s fast-paced and adventurous artifact-hunting Fae books as they reminded me of The Mummy films!

One: In your author bio, you mention that you play MMORPG’s. What games do you play and have they influenced your writing?

My current main MMO is Final Fantasy XIV, which I absolutely adore. I donโ€™t really play games outside MMOs and a couple of phone games (Time Princess is my current obsession), and I think the biggest influence has been the myriad of different people Iโ€™ve met through them. The interactions Iโ€™ve had through the communities created around MMOs have definitely influenced the way I look at characters.

Aside from that, FFXIVโ€™s epic storytelling has forced me to look at how I approach my plots, especially in respect to well-earned emotional highs and low moments in my stories.

Two: Why did you decide to self-publish and what has been your biggest success so far?

Iโ€™ve been a huge fan of Urban Fantasy for a long time, but unfortunately itโ€™s not a genre thatโ€™s really wanted in traditional publishing, so when the idea to write one for myself came up, I immediately decided to try self-publishing. As for successโ€ฆIโ€™d say finishing the series! There is something really special when you see a project go through the whole way.

Three: You recently finished your Magical Artifacts Institute series of novellas. What has been your favorite part of writing these books?

Just letting my inner imp loose. There is a wonderful freedom in writing something intended to be fun, and then seeing my readers enjoy it so much.

Four: Your Magical Artifacts Institute series is a lot more carefree and adventurous than other urban fantasy books which tend to be more dark and gritty. What inspired you to create a more playful world?

Urban Fantasy has evolved a lot through the years, and thereโ€™s now a huge variety of story moods, from the dark and gritty traditionally published books like Dresden cemented to light-hearted fun.

One of my favorite authors is Helen Harper. I adore her Lazy Witch series, which is completely irreverent, and I took a lot of inspiration from it. The format of novellas also lends itself to more fun, fast-paced episodic stories, which fit really well with the type of story I wanted to tell.

Five: You seem to be quite a big urban fantasy fan! Can you recommend a few of your favourite urban fantasy books from indie/self-published authors?

Helen Harper – Am absolutely loving her new books in The Firebrand Series.
Karen Lynch – Relentless series for a more YA flavour, as well as hew new Fae series.
W.R. Gingell – City Between series. All kinds of fun, and set in Australia!
Linsey Hall – Never disappoints if youโ€™re in the mood for something a bit more romantic.

Six: What are you working on next? Can you tease us?

My next series will begin in the Fall! Itโ€™ll have a more complicated worldbuilding, and a complete different cast of characters andโ€ฆcreatures ???? No Fae, no vampires, no shifters. I wonder whatโ€™s left?

Seven: And a few quick questions:

What’s your favorite…

…book, in recent times?

Good way to get my mind to go blank, haha. I reread a lot, so my favorites change every day depending on my mood!

…game, in recent times?

Final Fantasy XIV (No, itโ€™s NOT cheating!!)

…writing advice?

Write in the mornings before looking at email or social media.

…advice for someone who wants to publish their own book?

Do your research and make a list of all the to-do chores before you publish. Lists make everything feel a lot less overwhelming!

…source of inspiration?

Reading a book or watching a movie and going โ€œbut what ifโ€ฆ?โ€ about random parts of the story premise/worldbuilding.

…way to clear your mind when everything gets a bit much?

Play games or go to bed early to read a new book. I also do love going out on walks to mull over problems/give my brain a rest.

Eight: Do you have any last words?

Never give up, never surrender!

Books by Isa Medina

Magical Artifacts Institute series:

Connect with Isa Medina Here:

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